Our Mission

The North Star: a Destination and a Crossroads

logo of a large star in the shape of a compassThe Notre Dame Business Honors program is at the crossroads of excellent business and ethical business. We devote ourselves to sending the next generation of students to lead the future of business development in service of the common good. This is our North Star.

Upon graduation, Honors students carry on the Honors mission by becoming North Stars in both their professional and personal lives.

Excellent Business

It is our calling to lead in business education, which is why we summon every advantage to put our students at the fore. By arming students with the world’s best business education, we give them the opportunity to lead. By selecting only the most talented and driven, we are confident that they will lead and work for the good of all.

We have gathered academia’s leading educators, and some of business’s best guest lecturers, to provide an unparalleled educational experience for all Honors students who aspire to lead in any industry. Students are expected to strive in the classroom and in service as role models for the rest of the Mendoza College of Business and the University of Notre Dame.

Ethical Business

While market trends come and go, we orient ourselves to the eternal. Our Catholic identity informs our approach to structuring a business education and to preparing our students to interact virtuously with the market. We see business for its potential to elevate the common good and propel change across the globe.

As a part of the world’s leading Catholic university, we see it as our responsibility to set the standard for action in the market and in life. While identifying as Catholic isn’t a requirement for acceptance, we do expect students to hold themselves to high standards of conduct in all ways, both during their time at Notre Dame and for the rest of their lives.