Embracing the Call to Lead
The Business Honors Program gives students an advanced education on methods and theory, but it also gives students a landscape view of the larger business environment, allowing them to make contextualized leadership decisions.
Honors Courses
Our course offerings draw on years of business practice and the academic expertise of our talented group of faculty. Courses are meant to add an additional layer of understanding to an already rigorous business education. Many courses are dedicated to applied business work, while others take a system-level or a normative view of the business environment.
- 18 credits through Honors Courses
- 25 Honors course options available and growing
- 4 PhD courses available to qualifying students

Honors Why Business
One of the two required introductory courses, Honors Why Business, takes students on a journey through market economies as seen by its greatest champions and fiercest opponents. The course delves into the foundation of why we practice business and the role of business in a just and humane society. Students emerge from Why Business with a renewed understanding of their honorable calling.

Meaningful Life In Business
The other required introductory course, Honors Meaningful Life in Business asks about the goods that we seek in life. What is happiness? What role does business play in our pursuit of a good life? How are our answers to these questions shaped by faith? Looking at sources, both ancient and new, allows us to reflect fruitfully on these ultimate questions about meaning and purpose.

The Honors Colloquium is a hallmark of the Honors experience. On Fridays, speakers from a variety of business backgrounds come to speak to Honors students. Colloquium speakers are selected based on their outstanding success in integrating business, faith, and family. Following their presentations, students and speakers gather for a meal. This gives students the opportunity to candidly meet the speakers. Students are required to take 3 semesters of colloquia.
Honors students are required to take 3 semesters of colloquia. Each colloquium is 1.0 credits.
Introductory Honors Courses (required)
BES 30792 Honors Why Business
BES 20702 Honors Meaningful Life in Business
Upper-Level Honors Courses
Four are required
At least one upper-level course must be from the Capstone subcategory
At least two upper-level courses must be within the student’s major
ACCT 30110 Accounting Measurement & Disclosure I (Fall Only)
ACCT 30160 Sustainability: Accounting (Spring Only)
ACCT 40160 Accountability in a Sustainable World (Fall Only)
ACCT 40660/70 Tax Assistance Program I/II
BES 30310 Business & the Common Good
BES 33100 Work & the Interior Life (Fall Only)
BES 43100 Economic Sins (Next Offered Spring 2026)
FIN 30402 Honors Corporate Finance (Spring Only)
FIN 40470/ BES 40470 Corporate Governance & Catholic Social Teaching (Fall Only)
ITAO 30160 Conveying Visual Data Insights (Fall Only)
MARK 30120 Marketing Research (Spring Only)
MGTO 40110 Honors Futuring (Fall Only)
Upper-Level: Capstone
ACCT 40840 Information Flows in the Capital Market and Academic Research (Spring only)
ACCT 40830 Academic Research in Accounting (Fall Only)
BES 48000 BHP Capstone Thesis (2 semesters - 1.5 credits each semester)
FIN 40640 Applied Investment Management (application Only, BHP students are NOT guaranteed a seat)
FIN 40830 Academic Research in Finance (Spring Only)
ITAO 40850 Analytics Capstone Project (invitation by department only, BHP students are NOT guaranteed an invitation)
ITAO 40860 Early Bridges to Data Science (invitation by department only, BHP students are NOT guaranteed an invitation)
MARK 40150/ITAO 40575 Pricing Analytics (Spring Only)
MGTO 43120 Research Methods in Management (Fall Only)
MGTO 43150 Theory & Research in Organizational Behavior (Fall Only)
MGTO 43125 Theory and Research in Strategic Management / MGTO 43130 The Upper Echelons Perspective: Theory and Research (Spring Only)